Orange Juice

1 orange
1 liter orange juice
1 liter soda water
2 Tbs honey

Take the orange and scrape off as much of the zest from it as you can.
Put the zest in a 2 liter bottle.
Next add the orange juice and soda water to the bottle.
Lastly stir in the honey.
Refrigerate for at least 1 hour.
After once hour is up you may serve.
Enjoy your healthy homemade orange soda.

pomegranate-anar juice

1 kg red pomegranate (anar)
1 kg sugar
1/2 kg water
ice as required
rock salt (kala namak) as required
1/4 tsp potassium meta bi sulphate

Peel pomegranate (anar).
Boil sugar and water.
Boil it to one sugar syrup strand.
Take out juice of pomegranate.
Let syrup cool, and then add juice and potassium meta bi sulphate.
Fill it in a bottle.
Serve it in a glass with water, black salt, crushed ice.

Grape juice

1 pound seedless grapes,
1/2 cup water
Sugar to taste

Fill the jar of your blender 3/4 of the way with grapes and add a splash of water and sugar.
Blend on high at least 1 minute.
Strain through a fine-mesh sieve over a large bowl, pressing down on the solids in the strainer with a large spoon to extract every last bit of juice.
Serve chilled.

Apple juice

2 Apples,
4 Carrot,
1 Red Bell Pepper,
1 Jicama Spears

 Chop all the fruits and vegetables into small pieces
Blend apples and carrots together until it smoothens
Now juice the red bell pepper and jicama spears
Mix both the juice
Drink and enjoy..

Namkeen lassi

    1/3 cup fresh curd
    2/3 cup water
    1/4 tsp roasted/crushed cumin seeds
    1/4 tsp dry mint leaves
    1 pinch black pepper
    salt to taste

    Blend the above ingredients with a hand held blender
    add some crushed ice to it and serve!


1 – ½ ltr water
1 cup milk
2 cups sugar
1 tbsp almonds
1 tbsp watermelon seeds skinned
½ tbsp poppy seeds (khus khus / posto)
½ tbsp aniseed (saunf / mouri)
1/2 tsp cardamom powder (or seeds of 2 black cardamoms, crushed)
1/2 tsp rosewater
1 tsp whole peppercorns, crushed
1/4 cup dried / fresh rose petals

1. Take a pan and soak sugar in ½ ltr of water. Stir till all the sugar is dissolved in water. Strain to obtain the sugar syrup and keep aside.
2. Wash and clean all the dry ingredients. Soak in 2 cups of water. Keep aside.
3. Allow all the soaked items to stand for about 2 hours.
4. Take a blender / mix and grind all soaked ingredients to a very fine paste. Add 1 cup water to the paste.
5. Strain the paste through a strainer / muslin cloth and collect the extracted liquid in a bowl.
6. Add remaining water to the extract, press and try to extract more liquid.
7. Repeat the process for 2-3 times till the residue (on the strainer / inside the muslin cloth) becomes dry and it is impossible to collect more liquid.
8. Add milk, sugar syrup and rosewater to the extracted liquid.
9. Add cardamom powder / crushed cardamom and mix well.
10. Crush the buds and leaves of Cannabis and mix in the thandai.
11. Refrigerate for 1-2 hours. Serve chilled with ice cubes in tall glasses.

Spiced & sweet lassi

 low fat yogurt
a few toasted cumin seeds
a little chopped fresh coriander
sugar , to taste
 few drops of rosewater , to taste

For spiced lassi,
whisk equal amounts of low-fat yogurt with water using a balloon whisk to create a frothy foam, then serve sprinkled with a few toasted cumin seeds and a little chopped fresh coriander.
For a sweet version,
whisk the yogurt and water with a little sugar to taste and a few drops of rose water.

Mango lassi

        1 cup yogurt
        2 cups mango pulp
        1 tablespoon chopped mint leaves
        3 tablespoons sugar
        6 to 10 ice cubes (As needed)
To make a puree, blend the mangoes, yogurt, and sugar.
After that, add chopped mint leaves and ice cubes.
The thickness of the lassi can be adjusted by you.
Serve the lassi when it is in a chilled form.

Mango milkshake

5-6 mangoes
ice(if needed)

Blend the mango pulp in the blender until it is soft.
Keep adding milk and water while blending the mango pulp so that the blender can run smoothly.
Once the mango pulp is soft start adding sugar and blend all of them together.

Banana caramel milkshake

    1/2 cup Caramel Sauce
    1 large ripe banana $
    1 pint vanilla ice cream $
    1/2 cup milk $

    Process all ingredients in a blender until smooth.
    Serve in individual glasses, and top with additional Caramel Sauce, if desired.

Banana chocolate milkshake

1cup skim milk
2 tbsp cocoa
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 medium ripe banana, sliced
8 large ice cubes
1.In blender container pour milk. Add cocoa. Cover, blend on low speed until well mixed. Add sugar, vanilla and banana. Cover, blend until smooth.
2.Add ice cubes, one at a time, blending until thick

Rabri shake

    1/2 liter cold milk
    1 cup rabri
    1/2 cup fresh cream
    1 cup crushed ice
    1 tbsp sugar
    a pinch of cardamom powder

    Place all ingredients in a blender.
    Blend until well combined.
    Pour into serving glass.
    Rabri Shake is ready now.
    Serve chilled.

Strawberry milkshake

1 c. light cream
1 c. milk
1 c. vanilla or strawberry ice cream
2 tbsp. honey
2 c. strawberries
4 tbsp. crushed ice
1-Put all ingredients in a blender .
 2- Blend until thick.


    Whipping Cream
    1 Dark Chocolate Square
    1 cup of water
    1 tbsp of chocolate syrup
    2 tbsp of amaretto flavored cream (you can use powdered or flavored cream)
    1 tbsp of instant coffee

    Bring water to boiling using a kettle, pour into a decorative cup.
    Add the instant coffee to the water and stir until the granules are completely dissolved.
    Add the cream and stir it until it is well blended.
    Slowly fold the chocolate syrup into the coffee as well and make sure that it is mixed throughout the coffee.
    Top with the whipped cream.
    Grate the chocolate square and sprinkle the shavings on the top of the whipped cream.
    Serve hot.

Indian chai

4 C whole milk
2 C water
3 tbsp sliced ginger (or ½ tbsp powder)
2 tbsp mashed green cardamom pods + 2 shakes cardamom powder
20 cloves
1 ½ tbsp dried basil
1 tbsp cinnamon
½ tsp lemongrass
½ tsp fresh black pepper
1 ½ tsp vanilla
4 tsp Assam looseleaf tea
9 heaping tsp sugar
Mix the spices with the milk and water and bring to a light boil. Add the tea, and boil gently for two minutes. Now strain out the spices. (Note, leaving it to settle for a few minutes after sieving is useful to get some of the spices to settle out, as a slight sludge will form).
Add the sugar and vanilla, and stir in. Serve in large mugs. Huge, even. Large servings are completely appropriate here. And anything you don't drink while hot, will be great over ice.

Peshawri kehwa

dried leaves of kehwa half tsp
ilaichi 23
cinamon (daarcheeni) 1 piece
sugar as desired

In 3-4 cups of water add the ilaichi and cinamon and let it come to a boil.
let it boil for a few minutes and then add the dried leaves of kehwa.
boil it for another 10 seconds not more,strain and pour into cups.
add sugar as desired.

Kashmiri tea

    Water —— 10 Cups
    Kashmiri Tea Leaves —— 3 Tbsp
    Cooking Soda —— 1/2 Tsp
    Salt —— 1 Tsp
    6 —— Green cardamoms (Ilachi) Crushed
    Milk —— As Desired
    Sugar —— to taste

For garnish
    Few Almonds and Pistachios, Crushed

    Mix everything except Milk, Almond and Pistachios in kettle and bring to boil till water reduced to half.
    Reduced heat and add cold water ( approax 4 to 5 cups ), simmer and mix well till its color changed to pink.
    Add milk and simmer 5 minutes more in low heat.
    Transfer it in cups and sprinkle crushed almonds and pistachios.
    Serve immediately.

Double coffee

    1 (8-oz.) package cream cheese
    1/2 cup sugar
    2 cups whipping cream
    1/2 cup hot water
    1 tablespoon instant coffee granules
    1/4 cup coffee liqueur
    2 (3-oz.) packages ladyfingers
    1/2 cup grated semisweet or dark chocolate

    1. Beat cream cheese and sugar at medium speed with an electric mixer until creamy.
    2. Beat whipping cream with an electric mixer until soft peaks form. Fold into cream cheese mixture.
    3. Stir together 1/2 cup hot water and coffee granules until dissolved. Stir in 1/4 cup liqueur.
    4. Arrange ladyfingers evenly around sides of 8 (6-oz.) coffee cups or ramekins. Drizzle ladyfingers with coffee mixture. Spoon or pipe cream cheese mixture into center of ramekins. Sprinkle with grated chocolate. Cover and chill 2 hours.

Cold Coffee

4 cup Cold Milk (Thanda Doodh)
1 cup boiling Water
6 tsp instant Coffee Powder
4 tblsp Cream (Malai)
3 tblsp Sugar (Cheeni)
Crushed Ice

    Dissolve instant coffee powder and sugar in boiling water and allow to cool.
    Blend the the coffee mixture and milk in a blender for few seconds.
    Add cream and crushed ice.
    Blend for another few seconds till it becomes frothy.
    Serve chilled.

Christmas coffee drink

    1 1/2 cups whole milk
    2/3 cup plus 1 teaspoon sugar
    1/2 cup unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder
    2 ( 2-inch) cinnamon sticks
    1 strip orange peel, about 1/2 inch by 3 inches
    10 whole cloves
    2 to 2 1/2 cups hot brewed strong coffee
    1/4 cup cold heavy cream
    Ground cinnamon, for garnish
    Cocoa, for garnish

In a medium saucepan, whisk together the milk, 2/3 cup of the sugar, and cocoa until smooth. Add the cinnamon sticks, orange peel and cloves and bring to a simmer, stirring, to dissolve the sugar and prevent the cocoa from sticking to the bottom of the pot. Simmer for 2 minutes, then remove from the heat, cover, and let steep for 10 minutes.
In a medium bowl, whip the cream with the remaining 1 teaspoon sugar until thick and frothy, and peaks form. Set aside.
Strain the milk mixture into a coffee pot or carafe and add 2 cups of the hot coffee (2 1/2 cups for stronger coffee flavor, to taste). Pour into cups or small mugs and top each with a dollop of the sweetened whipped cream.
Serve immediately.


Milk – 3 litre
Kewra – 4 tbsp
Sugar – 1/2 kg
Green Cardamom powder – 1/2 tsp
Take the pan and put milk, the pan must be big in size,it will help to make good and perfect rabri don’t put all the milk at once, step by step its easy to control, during heating move the foam that appears on top of the milk on to a side of pan , and in last part of milk add: sugar, cardamom powder and kewra and mix it well. Then, add the sweet milk and repeat the same process. All your milk will be sweet. when all the milk becomes khoya form then remove from heat and leave it to cool down, or serve as it is or dry it remaining water of milk on cooker heat. Enjoy delicious rabri!

Balkan tulumbe pastries

    For the Syrup:
    6 1/4 cups sugar
    4 cups water
    1 tablespoon vanilla
    1 teaspoon lemon juice
    For the Dough:
    6 ounces unsalted butter
    1 1/2 cups water
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
    6 large eggs

    To make the syrup: In a large saucepan, bring the syrup ingredients to a boil. Reduce heat and cook down for 10-15 minutes. Let cool completely and then divide into two large bowls.
    To make the dough: Heat oven to 425 degrees. In a medium saucepan, melt butter in water. Add salt and flour, and stir until dough forms a mass that cleans the sides of the pan. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, until the batter is smooth.
    Line a sheet pan with parchment paper. Fill a pastry bag fitted with a large star tip with dough and pipe 12 (5-inch) lengths onto the prepared pan. Bake about 20 minutes, until the tolumbe puff up and turn golden brown.
    Place hot tulumbe into two bowls of syrup, pushing down lightly. Soak overnight and serve cold the next day.

Besan kay ladoo

    1/2 cup Ghee
    2 cups of Gram Flour
    1 cup Sugar
    1/4 cup Almonds & Raisins (chopped)
    1/2 tsp Powdered Cardamom

1. Heat the ghee in a pan
2. Put the gram flour into pan and fry it on a low flame till it turns brown.
3. Once it is browned, let it cool.
4. Mix well while adding powdered cardamom with sugar and add chopped almonds and raisins.
5. Make small ladoos and serve.

Badami Shahi Tukray

    Bread (slices) 10
    Fresh cream 1 packet
    Sugar 150 gm
    Khoya 1/2 cup
    Milk 2-1/2 cup
    Hot milk 1 tbsp
    Almond (sliced) 1 tbsp
    Pistachio (sliced) 1 tbsp
    Kewra water 1 tbsp
    Saffron 1/2 tsp

    Cut bread sliced into 4 pieces, fry in ghee till golden in color.
    Dissolve saffron and sugar in one cup of milk.
    Pour over the fried bread arranged in a tray.
    Mix together the remaining 1 cup milk with cream and khoya, blend for 1 minute.
    Pour over the soaked bread, leave it for 10 minutes.
    Sprinkle sliced almonds, sliced pistachio, kewra water and bake in a preheated oven on 180 degree C for 15 minutes.

Lemon coffee pudding

    2 cups fresh cream
    1 packet lemon jelly
    3 tbsp sugar
    1 tsp coffee
    1/2 tsp Lemon zest, for garnishing

    Prepare  jelly according to instructions.
    Let it cool.
    Then place half of the jelly in the refrigerate for 30 minutes or until set.
    Add coffee in the remaining jelly.
    Mix well and refrigerate it separately.
    Beat sugar with fresh cream.
    In a bowl, add coffee jelly.
    Then spread cream over it.
    Then place lemon jelly on it.
    Sprinkle lemon zest over it.
    Top with whipped cream.
    Refrigerate for 2-3 hours or until set.

Banana custard pudding

2 1/2 c Sugar
1/2 c All-purpose flour
1/4 c Cornstarch
7 c Milk
4 ea Egg yolks, beaten
1/4 c Butter, softened
1 t Vanilla extract
1 pk (12-oz) vanilla wafers
9 ea Med bananas, peeled & sliced

Combine sugar, flour, and cornstarch in a medium mixing bowl. Mix well, and
set aside. Pour milk into a large saucepan; cook over medium heat until
candy thermometer registers 160 deg F. Gradually stir one-fourth of hot
milk into yolks; stir into reserved dry ingredients, and add to remaining
hot milk. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and coats the
spoon. Remove from heat, and stir in butter and vanilla. Let cool to room
temperature. Line bottom of a 13 x 9 x 2-inch baking dish with one-third of
the vanilla wafers. Arrange half of banana slices over wafers; top with
half of cooled custard. Repeat layers, reserving one-third of wafers to
crumble and sprinkle over custard. Chill thoroughly

Paneer kheer

    1 liter milk
    3/4 cup sugar
    1/2 cup water
    2 tsp corn flour
    100 gm paneer, grated
    Pistachio and almonds as required, chopped
    Few drops of kewra (essence)

    Boil the milk until it thickens and is reduced to half the original quantity. Stir occasionally.
    Dissolve the corn flour in little water, mix it in milk and cook on low heat until it thickens.
    Mix the sugar with half cup of water and cook until syrupy. Add paneer in sugar syrup and then add this mixture in milk. Mix it well and then add kewra and dish it out.
    Let it cool down and then garnish it with almonds and pistachios.

Sooji Kheer

    Suji 50 gms
    Sugar 3 tblspoon
    Cardamom powder ( a pinch)
    Raisins 10
    Almonds slivered ( peeled and cut into small pieces
    Pistachios 10 cut into small pieces
    Milk 200 ml
    Two tblspoon Ghee ( or Oil , the flavour is nice with Ghee)


    Heat a fry pan on slow heat.
    Put the sooji ( Semolina) in it and dry roast it for few minutes, until it starts to change the colour.
    Add the Ghee ( Oil) and then mix it for 2 minutes. ( The Ghee can also be added in the beginning in step 2 along with Sooji ( Semolina). But if you add the Ghee later then you can manage with less amount of Ghee.
    Once done add the milk and mix it thouroughly so that there are no lumps.
    Add the sugar and mix.
    Add the raisins, almonds, pistachios, and cardomon powder.
    Serve hot.

Saffron kheer

1. 1.5 liters of milk
2. 30 gms of rice
3. 100 ml condensed milk
4. 3 green cardamoms
5. pinch of Saffron
6. Dry fruits as per your taste

1. Take 1.5 Liter of Full Milk (Vitamin D), add powder of 3 green cardamoms and keep it to boil
2. Take 30 gms of rice, Wash it and soak in water till the milk boils fully.
3. Add the rice in milk and let it cook till the rice gets properly cooked and the milk becomes viscous.
4. Keep on stirring after every 4-5 minutes to avoid the milk to stick in the pan
5. Add saffron to add color and taste.
6. Turn off the stove and immediately add 100 ml of condensed milk ( add condensed milk according to your taste)
7. Add cashews, raisins or any dry fruit you want to add.

Vegetable lasagna

4 tablespoons butter
6 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 cups low-fat milk (or skim)
¼ cup parmesan cheese, grated
2 cups low-fat ricotta

Veggie Filling:
1 medium onion, chopped
½ cup green pepper, chopped
1 ½ cup raw carrots, thinly sliced
1 packaged frozen broccoli, thawed
1 no-bake package lasagna noodles
8 ounces grated Mozzarella cheese

Start by whipping up the white sauce. First, take the butter, and melt it in a large saucepan. Then stir in the flour to make a paste, and add the milk. Continue to stir until this mixture begins to thicken. Add the Parmesan cheese and ricotta. Remove from heat, and set aside.

Now it's time to work on the veggie filling. Sauté the onions and peppers in some olive oil. Next add in the carrots and broccoli. Sauté until the veggies become soft, and then remove from the heat.

Stacking the Lasagna
Start by preheating the oven to 350. Then put a little sauce on the bottom of the pan, and cover it with a layer of noodles. Spread the veggie mixture, more sauce and a layer of mozzarella cheese. Repeat until you get to the top layer of the lasagna. Then spread the last layer of sauce, and load up with the rest of the mozzarella cheese. Sprinkle grated parmesan over it. Finally, cover the lasagna with aluminum foil, and bake for about 30 minutes.


1 pound sweet Italian sausage
3/4 pound lean ground beef
1/2 cup minced onion
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 (28 ounce) can crushed tomatoes
2 (6 ounce) cans tomato paste
2 (6.5 ounce) cans canned tomato sauce
1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons white sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons dried basil leaves
1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1 tablespoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
4 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
12 lasagna noodles
16 ounces ricotta cheese
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 pound mozzarella cheese (sliced)
3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1. In a large skillet over medium heat brown sausage, ground beef, onion and garlic. Stir in crushed tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato paste and water. Add basil, sugar, fennel seed, Italian seasoning, 1 tablespoon salt, pepper, and 2 tablespoons of parsley.
2. Cook lasagna noodles according to package directions. Drain and rinse with cold water.
3. In a medium bowl combine ricotta cheese, egg, remaining parsley and 1 teaspoon of salt. Mix well.
4. To assemble lasagna – spread 1 ½ cups of the meat mixture on the bottom of a 9 x 13” baking dish. Arrange 6 noodles length wise over the meat sauce. Spread half of the ricotta cheese mixture over the noodles evenly. Top with 1/3 of the mozzarella cheese slices. Spread 1 ½ cups of the meat sauce over the cheese slices and sprinkle ¼ cup of parmesan cheese on top. Repeat the layers and top with mozzarella cheese. Cover with foil.
5. Bake in the oven at 375 degrees for 25 minutes. After 25 minutes remove the foil and bake for another 25 minutes. Cool for 15 minutes and serve.

Plain cake

    125 g butter
    1 cup sugar
    3 eggs
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
    1/2 tsp baking powder
    1 tbsp milk

    Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Grease and flour a 8 inch pan.
    In a medium bowl, cream together the butter and sugar.
    Beat in the eggs, one at a time, then stir in the vanilla.
    Combine flour and baking powder, add to the creamed mixture and mix well.
    Finally stir in the milk until batter is smooth.
    Pour batter into the prepared pan.
    Bake for 40 to 45 minutes in the preheated oven.

Chocolate fruit cake

12 1/4 ounces (350 grams) dried soft prunes, chopped
8 3/4 ounces (250 grams) raisins
4 1/2 ounces(125 grams) currants
6 1/4 ounces (175 grams) unsalted butter, softened
6 1/4 (175 grams) dark muscovado sugar
6 1/4 fluid ounces (175 ml) honey
4 1/2 fluid ounces (125 ml) coffee liqueur
2 oranges, zested and juiced
1 teaspoon mixed spice
2 tablespoons good quality cocoa
3 free-range eggs, beaten
5 1/4 ounces (150 grams) plain flour
2 1/2 ounces (75 grams) ground almonds
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda

For decoration:
1-ounce (25 grams) dark chocolate-covered coffee beans
Edible glitter
Gold mini balls
About 10 edible gold stars

Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C).

Line the sides and bottom of an 8 by 3 1/2-inch deep, round loose-bottomed cake tin with a layer of reusable silicon baking parchment. When lining the tin with the parchment, cut the material into strips that are twice as high as the tin itself (it is easier to use two shorter strips of parchment, than one long strip); the height of the strips protects the cake from catching on the outside of the cake tin.

Place the fruit, butter, sugar, honey, coffee liqueur, orange zest and juice, mixed spice and cocoa into a large wide saucepan. Heat the mixture until it reaches a gentle boil, stirring the mixture as the butter melts. Let the mixture simmer for 10 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the heat and leave to stand for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, the mixture will have cooled a little. Add the eggs, flour, ground almonds, baking powder and baking soda, and mix well with a wooden spoon or spatula until the ingredients have combined.

Carefully pour the fruitcake mixture into the lined cake tin. Transfer the cake tin to the oven and bake for 1 3/4 to 2 hours, or until the top of the cake is firm but will has a shiny and sticky look. At this point, if you insert a sharp knife into the middle of the cake, the cake should still be a little uncooked in the middle.

Place the cake on a cooling rack. Once the cake has cooled, remove it from the tin.

To decorate, place the chocolate-covered coffee beans in the centre of the cake and arrange the gold stars around the perimeter of the top of the cake. Then sprinkle some gold mini-balls over the whole cake and sprinkle the top with edible glitter.

Gulab jamun

Milk Powder: 1 cup
Self raising flour: 1/2 cup OR
White flourClick to find more about White flour: 1/2 cup(Add 1/2 tsp of Baking powder in it if using white flour)
Fresh Cream: as per need
Ground small cardamom: 1/2 tsp
Oil: for deep frying
Sugar: 1 1/2 cup
Water: 2 cup

First of all, place sugar & water in a sauce pan. Allow it to boil for 15 minutes until it turns into slight thick syrup.
Sift milk powder, self raising flour & ground cardamom. Then mix it well with fresh cream to make slightly hard dough. Make small sized balls of it. Heat oil & deep fry the balls carefully. Fry them slowly on low fire until they turn to golden brown. Take them out of oil then put into the hot sugar syrup straight away. Cook it for about 1-2 minutes then turn the fire off.
Leave it to cool. Garnish with ground pistachios or dessicated coconut.
Then serve when chilled.

Lauki ka halwa

Lauki/Dhoodi/Bottlegourd:-2 lb
Sugar:-1 cup
Evaporated/condensed Milk:-1/2 cup
Grated Paneer:-1/2 cup
Cardamom Powder:-1/2 tsp
Ghee:-2 tbsp
Whole milk:-1/2 cup
Cashews n raisins n almonds:-to garnish

    Peel the outer skin of bottlegourd,de-seed it and grate it finely.
    Heat ghee in a skillet and add nuts and raisins and fry till brown.Raisins puff up like ballons.
    Add grated lauki in the remaining ghee and fry a while.
    Add whole milk and sugar and stir well until lauki is cooked tender.
    Add condensed milk,grated paneer,cardamom powder and mix well.
    Spread it on a ghee-greased plate and garnish with nuts.

Akhrot-walnut halwa

2 cup Walnuts/Akhrot Shelled halves (slightly toasted and grated)
1 cup Ghee
2 cup Sugar
2 cup khoya
1 litre Heavy cream/milk
1 cup Condensed milk
1 tsp Cardamon seeds (Powder)
Food color of your choice
Walnuts/Favorite nuts of your choice for decoration.

    Toast/ fry in ghee,all the decoration nuts first and set aside.
    Mix sugar and heavy cream/milk and boil them, reduce it into half(maybe add cardamon seeds powder too)
    In a separate pan, heat ghee and add khoya, fry it real good.
    Let it get loosened up first and slightly change color.That is golden brown. Do not fry beyond this point. It may become too brown.
    So now to this fried khoya add reduced milk. Further add condensed milk to.
    Toss your grated walnuts, color and cook them. When the halwa consistency is achieved, it leaves the pan. Maybe one can run few more spoons of ghee at this point.
    It turns up into dark velvety brown color, with distinct aroma. Now toss the walnuts/fried nuts from step 1 to it. Mix well!
    Serve this after heavy meals as dessert.

Egg halwa

Egg - 4
Milk - 500 ml
Ghee - 2 tbsp
Saffron Powder/Food color - 1 Pinch
Green Cardamom - 3
Cinnamon - 1"
Raisin - 10 gm
Pistachio & Almond - 25 gm
Sugar - 150 gm

1. Beat eggs very nicely.
2. Boil milk with cardamom and cinnamon until it becomes thick (reduces to half).
3. Add beaten egg to the milk, stirring constantly until it forms fine granules.
4. Add ghee, sugar, raisin, and Saffron Powder. Cook until all the water evaporates.
5. Remove from fire and decorate with slices of Almond and Pistachio.
6. Serve with Paratha, puri, or chapati.

Besan Ka halwa

    1 cup besan (gram flour/chickpea flour)
    1/2 cup ghee (clarified butter)
    3/4 cup sugar
    2 cups of water
    1/2 tsp cardamom (elaichi) powder
    Chopped and fried nuts like almonds, cashews and pistachios

Method :
    Heat ghee in a heavy bottomed vessel (karahi).
    Add besan and roast on medium-low heat.
    Keep stirring while roasting and roast till besan turns brownish.
    Add water, sugar and cardamom powder.
    Keep cooking till water dries up.
    Remove from the heat.
    Take into a serving bowl and garnish with nuts.
    Besan Ka Halwa is ready to serve.
    Serve hot.

Sooji ka halwa

    1/2 cup sooji (rava, semolina flour)
    1/4 cup ghee (clear butter)
    1/3 cup sugar
    1 1/2cup water
    Pinch of cardamom powder
    1 tablespoon sliced almonds for garnish

    Boil the water with sugar, and cardamom powder in a pan over low medium heat. Bring to a boil and Set aside.
    Melt the butter in a frying pan on medium heat.
    Add sooji and roast to golden brown color; stirring constantly this will take about 5 to 8 minutes. Sooji will be golden brown in color and will have a light sweet aroma.
    Add the syrup slowly, as you add the syrup to sooji water will splatter.
    Turn down the heat to medium low and let it cook for about 2-3 minutes.
    Sooji will absorb the water, as the Halwa cools so keep Halwa a little more softer then you want.
    Garnish with almonds.

Gajar ka halwa

1 kg Carrots
1 litre Milk
1 teaspoon Cardamom seeds
3/4 cup Water
3 tablespoons Ghee
2 tablespoons Raisins
2 tablespoons Almonds
2 tablespoons Pistachios
450 grams Sugar

Method :
    Wash and grate the carrots. Soak the raisins in water for 30 minutes. Blanch and shred the nuts.
    Put the water to boil, when it starts boiling add the grated carrots. Cook for 5-7 minutes.
    Add the milk. Cook on a low flame for 1 hour stirring occasionally. Add sugar, mix well and cook till the sugar has dissolved and all the milk has been absorbed.
    Add ghee and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Add the slightly crushed cardamoms and the raisins. Mix well.
    Remove the gajjar halwa from heat and arrange in a serving dish. Garnish with almonds and pistachios. Serve cold, hot or at room temperature.

Karela Aloo

6 – 8 pieces of small to medium size karela
1 medium size onion finely chopped
1 medium size cooked and mashed aloo
1 tsp rai
1 tbsp Oil
1 tsp of ginger paste
1 tsp garlic paste
1 – 2 tsp red chili powder or per taste
1/2 tsp haldi powder
3 tsp of dhania powder
1 tsp Amchur
1 green chili finely chopped or per taste
Some chopped cilantro
1 tbsp lemon or lime juice
Salt to taste

Wash karela and scrape the skin just a little. Slit the karela with it’s in tact. Apply a good amount of salt and lemon or lime juice all over the karela and keep it aside for at least 2 – 3 hours. Carefully scoop out the inside of the karela and keep it aside. In a pan, heat oil and add rai let it splutter then add onion, ginger/garlic, green chili and sauté. Once the onions are almost cooked add the scrapings from the karela and sauté well. Add all the spices and mix well. Now add the mashed aloo, cilantro and mix. Let the mixture cool.
After a couple of hours squeezethe karela well, I mean really hard and you will see bitter juices will run out. Now fill in the stuffing into each karela. You need not add more salt as the karela has already absorbed enough salt. In a non-stick pan, add oil and place the karela’s. Cover it with a lid and let it cook. Turn the side of the karela such that it’s cooked and turned golden brown all around. Karela is ready to be relished with some hot roti or chappati.

Aloo Gobi

3 tablespoons oil
1 medium onion – finely chopped
1 clove garlic – chopped
1 green chilli – chopped
1 inch / 2.5cm ginger peeled and finely chopped
2 medium potatoes – peeled and cut into smallish chunks
1 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp ground cumin
½ tsp turmeric
1 medium cauliflower cut into florets
a dash of lemon juice
a little salt
½ tsp garam masala

Heat the oil and fry the onion, garlic, chillis and ginger until just tender.
Add the potatoes and fry for another 2-3 minutes
Add the spices except for the garam masala, and mix well
Add a tablespoon of water, cover the pot and cook
When the potatoes are al dente add in the cauliflower.
Replace the lid and cook until the cauliflower is just soft
Add a sprinkle of lemon juice, salt and garam masala and stir well
Serve with naan or parathas

Spicy Chickpeas

    2 tbsp vegetable oil
    1 tsp cumin seeds
    1/2 tsp salt
    1/2 tsp chili powder
    1/2 tsp lemon pepper
    2 tomatoes, chopped
    2 (15 oz) cans garbanzo beans, drained
    1 tbsp lemon juice
    1 onion, chopped


    In a large pot over low heat, warm oil and cumin; heat until cumin turns a darker shade of brown.
    Add salt, chili powder and lemon and pepper seasoning; mix well.
    Stir in tomatoes; once the juice begins to thicken add in chickpeas and mix well.
    Add in lemon juice and mix well; add onions and stir until they become soft.
    Remove from heat and place into a serving bowl.
    Spicy Chickpeas are ready to serve.
    Serve immediately.

Hot And Sour Vegetables

1 cup mixed parboiled vegetables (carrots, broccoli, baby cornClick to find more about corn and french beans)
1cup capsicum, cubed
2 tomatoes, blanched, peeled and grated
1 onionClick to find more about onion, cubed
1 to 2 chopped green chillies
1 teaspoons chopped gingerClick to find more about ginger
1 teaspoons chopped garlicClick to find more about garlic
1 tablespoon celery, chopped
2 teaspoons cornflour
1 teaspoon tomatoClick to find more about tomato-chilli sauce
1 teaspoon oil
SaltClick to find more about Salt to taste

Heat the oil in a non-stick pan, add the onionClick to find more about onion, green chillies, gingerClick to find more about ginger, garlicClick to find more about garlic and celery and saute for a few minutes.
Add the grated tomatoes and saltClick to find more about salt and simmer it over a medium flame for 4 to 5 minutes, till it thickens.
Add all the vegetables and saute for a few seconds.
Combine the cornflour and tomatoClick to find more about tomato-chilli sauce with 1 cup of water and add it to the mixture.
Bring to a boil and simmer for 4 to 5 minutes till the sauce thickens.
Adjust saltClick to find more about salt to taste and serve hot.

Vegetarian Chili

    2 tablespoons vegetable oil
    1 large onion, chopped
    4 large cloves garlic, minced
    3 tablespoons chili powder
    1 medium-size sweet green pepper, cored, seeded and diced
    1 medium-size sweet red pepper, cored, seeded and diced
    1 medium-size zucchini, diced
    1 medium-size yellow squash, diced
    1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
    1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper (cayenne)
    1 can (14.5 ounces) stewed tomatoes
    1 can (11 ounces) corn kernels, drained
    1 can (15.5 ounces) black beans, drained and rinsed
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    Accompaniments, optional: cooked rice, sour cream and shredded cheddar cheese
Heat oil in 4-quart pot over medium heat. Add onion, garlic and chili powder; saute for 5 minutes. Add green and red peppers; saute 5 minutes. Add zucchini, squash, oregano and ground red pepper; saute for 5 minutes. Add tomatoes; cook 10 minutes. Stir in corn, black beans and salt; cook for 5 minutes.

Serve with the accompaniments, if desired.
3 ripe avocados, peeled and pitted
3 tablespoons finely chopped red onion
3 tablespoons fresh-squeezed lime juice
2 tablespoons chopped cilantro leaves
1 jalepeno, seeded and minced
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon hot pepper sauce

Mash avocado flesh in a bowl. Stir in red onion, lime juice, cilantro, jalapeno, salt, and hot-pepper sauce. Refrigerate. Spoon a dollop on each chili serving.

Cheesy Vegetable Balls

2 potatoes, boiled and mashed
1 grated carrot
boiled green peas
1-2 green chilli finely chopped
1/2 tsp chaat masala
1 1/2 tbsps roasted peanut pwd or cashew pwd
3 large bread slices, dip in water, squeeze out water and crumble
1 1/2 tbsps coriander leaves, chopped
3 tbsps grated cheese
salt to taste
oil for deep frying
For coating:
cornflour-maida batter. Take 1/2 tbsp each of maida and cornflour, add a pinch of salt and water to make a flowing batter
pinch of salt
bread crumbs for coating

Combine mashed potatoes, green peas, grated carrot, crumbled bread, grated cheese, chaat masala, green chillis, peanut pwd, salt and coriander leaves. Prepare lemon sized balls.
 In a small bowl,Take 1/2 tbsp each of maida and cornflour, add a pinch of salt and water to make a flowing batter. Dip the balls in this batter, roll in bread crumbs and keep aside.
 Heat oil for deep frying in a heavy bottomed vessel. Once it piping hot, reduce flame and place the balls into the hot oil and deep fry on medium flame to high flame till they turn golden brown. Remove onto absorbent paper and then place them on a baking sheet and place in warm oven till you serve them. This will ensure they are crisp and fresher tasting.
 Serve hot with tomato sauce or green chutney.

Vegetable Frittata

Eggs: 4
Zucchini: 1, sliced
Bell pepper: 2 small (yellow and red), chopped
Carrot: 1, sliced
Fresh Parsley: 1 tbsp (optional)
Olive oil: 2 tbsp
Lemon juice: 1 tbsp (optional)

1. Saute carrot with olive oil on medium heat for 3-5 minutes.
2. Add peppers and zucchini. Saute for 3-5 more minutes.
3. Whisk eggs with salt and pepper.
4. Pour into the pan and cook until done.
5. Sprinkle over with parsley and lemon juice before serving.

Mixed Vegetables

1 cup Frozen Peas and Carrots
1 cup Mixed Pepper Strips
2 Big Potatoes
1 cup Cut Green Beans
1 cup Frozen Cauliflower
2 big Red Onions
3-4 Tomatoes
1 tablespoon Ginger garlic paste
1 teaspoon Cumin seed
1/ 4 teaspoon Turmeric Powder
1 teaspoon Coriander Powder
1 teaspoon Red Chilli Powder
1/2 teaspoon Garam Masala
1/2 teaspoon Sabji Masala ( you can get it in any Indian grocery store)
1 tablespoon Chopped Cilantro leaves
Salt according to taste

1)Chops onions into tiny cubes.
2)Remove potato skin and chop into big cubes.
3)Thaw all the frozen vegetables for about 10 minutes in the microwave.
4)Heat oil in a pan and when a bit hot, add cumin seeds.
5)Once it splutters, add chopped onions and fry till it turns pink.
6)Add ginger-garlic paste and fry for couple of minutes.
7)Now add chopped potatoes and turmeric powder and fry for about 10 minutes.
8)Add tomatoes and coriander powder, chilli powder and salt and fry, till a bit of oil starts leaving the sides of the vessel.
9)Now add all the remaining vegetables, add about 1/2 cup water and mix well.
10)Cover with a lid and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Keep removing lid and stirring to mix well.
11)When the vegetables look well cooked, add garam masala and sabji masala and stir for another 5 minutes.
12)Add 1/ 2 cup milk and let it cook for about 5 minutes, mix well.
13)Garnish with chopped cilantro leaves.

Shimla Mirch Ki Launji

Shimla Mirch (Bell Peppers) - 2 cups (chop them in 1 inch squares)
Kalonji (Nigella Seeds) - 1 tsp
Saunf (Fennel Seeds) - 1 tsp
Haldi (Turmeric) - 1/2 tsp
Lal Mirch (Red Chilli) Powder - 1/2 tsp
Dhaniya (Coriander) Powder - 1/2 tsp
Amchur (Mango Powder) - 2 tsp
Garam Masala - 1/2 tsp
Cheeni (Sugar) - 2 tbsp
Oil - 2 tbsp
Salt - as per taste

    Take a pan and heat oil in it.
    Add both kalonji and saunf in it to splutter
    Add chopped shimla mirch, haldi, namak, lal mirch powder and dhaniya powder to it fry for 2 min.
    Add about 1/2 cup of water, cover the pan and let it simmer till shimla mirch is cooked (not mushy, but cooked).
    Add amchur, garam masala and cheeni to it and cook till cheeni is nicely dissolved.
    Make sure the launji is not runny, so please do not add any more water than needed. It is not a complete dry curry but not even a gravy curry, somewhere in between. It should be just that the sauce has coated the shimla mirch and not more than that.

Palak Paneer

1 bunch of spinach trimmed, washed, steamed and blended
1 red onion, boiled in 4 tbsp. water and pureed/blended
1  green chillies chopped
2  cup paneer cubes fried
2  tablespoon ghee
1  teaspoon cumin seeds
1  teaspoon garlic minced
1  teaspoon ginger minced
salt to taste
1  teaspoon  lemon juice
1 tsp. Garam Masala
2  tablespoon cream or 1 tbsp. butter

Heat the ghee in a heavy-based pan. Add the cumin seeds and let them crackle. Add the garlic and ginger and green chili. Add onion and cook till the onion starts browning.
Add the chopped spinach puree, salt and mix well. Add 4 tbsp. water to 1/2 cup water or more and bring to a boil. Add the deep fried cottage cheese cubes and stir to mix gently. Mix in the lemon juice and garam masala. Simmer  on low for 20  minutes. Put off the heat and mix in the cream or 1 tbsp butter.
Serve with raita, dal and bread.